'Best Price Disposal'.


Next to our regular disposal services. We can offer another service.


We can offer you the 'best price disposal' service. This means that we are going to sell your depreciated hardware for the best price possible at that moment. All we ask is a percentage of that price. We are transparant in our prices and you know exactly what your depreciated hardware is really worth.


We got the contacts in the Netherlands and beyond to find a good buyer for your equipment. We will always try to get the best pricing as possible since that will increase our cut as well.


The hardware that is to old or unsellable will be taken by us as well. We don't believe in cherry picking and our goal is to make it as easy as possible for you. The old and unsellable hardware will be recycled.


The benefits of this deal are:


- You won't have to worry about the depreciated hardware.

- We will do the testing, grading, cleaning and (if needed) the wiping of the hardware.

- We will handle all the businesses with the buying side.

- You can concentrate at your core business.

- Always best price since we benefit from it as well.

- We take everything with us, even the unsellable hardware.